What Type of Cat Litter Do You Use?

Clumping vs Non-Clumping Cat Litter…

There are many things to consider when deciding what type of cat litter to use.

  • How many cats do you have?
  • What room is the litter box in?
  • Does your cat have a preference?
  • Do you want to flush it down the toilet?
  • Do you want scented or unscented?
  • Are you a green consumer?
  • etc.

What Type is Right for You and Your Cat?

  • Scoop-able Litter

If you use scoop-able litter make sure it is deep enough. This helps prevent the clumps clumping cat litterfrom falling apart while scooping which in turn assuring it lasts longer. This type of litter helps keeps your house smelling good and makes cleaning easier, but costs more and is hard on the environment. The trick is to scoop at least once a day in a single cat home. In multi-cat homes you need to provide extra litter boxes and scoop more frequently. The rule of thumb is to have one litter box per cat plus an extra one.

  • Regular Clay Cat Litter

regular cat litterIf you use clay litter it is better to use less litter and change it more frequently to keep the odors to a minimum. Litter box deodorants are available that smell great and help keep odors under control. Depending on how many cats you have, you may be better off just using a more expensive litter rather than pour all that money into a deodorant. Baking soda is a cheaper and natural solution.

  • Natural Clumping Cat Litter

The natural clumping litters Ex: pine, wheat etc. have some wonderful benefits. They are usually better at odor control, do not use chemicals , some are flush-able, they are biodegradable and are light weight. If you have multiple cats the weight factor can be very important. The trash man will be very happy if you switch. As with the clay bases clumping litter, you must keep it deep and scoop often.

  • Crystal Cat Litter

Crystal cat litter has a very different consistency which cats tend to love or dislike. It can crystal cat litterabsorb much more that clay. It actually dehydrates the stool as well as absorb and en-capsule the urine. This does a lot for odor control. The odor gets out of control quickly if you do not change the litter in time. One of my cats absolutely loves this type.


No matter what type of litter you choose, keeping it fresh and clean will go a long way to inhibit bad behavior.

If your cat urinates or defecates out of the litter box, the first thing you should do is check the litter boxes. If there is a problem fix it.

If no problem with the litter, think about any changes to your routine. A change in routine can set off some cats. Even daylight savings time can make a difference!

If everything seems ok it is time for a trip to the Vet. Your cat could have a urinary track infection. In male cats this can become a life threatening situation within hours.

It is useful to bring a urine sample with you if possible. However, do not put off getting help trying to get a sample. Your cat could be blocked and unable to urinate. The best way to get a sample is the clean the litter box and leave it empty. Most cats will still void in an empty pan. You can then easily transfer the sample into a container. You can also try putting some plastic wrap over the litter to catch the urine. It is best to keep it cool until you get it to the Vet. You want a fresh sample.

~ Karen ~

P.S. A major problem with all cat litter is that it never completely combats the odor problem. Click here for an interesting, green solution.


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