Why you can’t afford Vet care for your pet
First of all you need to understand that veterinary care is not expensive for the services they offer. This article does a great job of explaining costs and comparing veterinary costs to that of human care. After you read this you will understand that it is not the Vet’s fault that you can’t afford vet care.
I have been both an Animal Health Tech (AHT) and a Registered Nurse (RN). Without hesitation I can say that pets receive better care than people. Veterinarians are compassionate people with the dream of making a dent in reducing animal suffering.
Education to care for animals is long and hard
It is so much harder to become a Vet than an MD and the same is true for becoming an

Animal Health Tech verses a Registered Nurse. There is much more competition to get into the schools. Once you are in, the training is much more intense. You need to know all the different species and how to take care of each type. You also don’t specialize as an AHT so you need to know how to do everything.
My boards to get licensed as an AHT involved a full grueling day taking a written test given in NYC. I needed to pass each portion and carry an even higher average in order to pass the written part. The first time I took the exam I failed one section by 1/4 of a point and had an average far above what I needed. I failed. 🙁 After passing on my second try I was eligible to travel upstate to complete 3 days of practical exams.
To get my RN I sat at a computer and answered 63 questions. The computer shut off and I knew I had either failed miserably or passed with flying colors (I passed). The RN boards are designed to help you pass. If you are not doing well the computer will ask you more questions to improve your chances of passing.
There is help
There are now different types of Pet Insurance and pet discount programs.
Many Shelters, Churches, Pet Stores, etc. offer their own low cost vaccinations as well as low cost spay/neuter services. Others team up with Veterinarians that are willing to provide their services at a discounted rate.
Some places offer loans for unexpected emergencies.
House calls can actually be cheaper if you have many pets so do some research before you drag you whole gang out to the vet.
You can start filling up that piggy bank with loose change and singles you won’t miss. If you have kids encourage them to add to it as well. If they get any money gifts they could put a small portion into it. This will build responsibility and make them feel good. Then when you do need care for your pet, you have some extra money to draw on.
Please watch the video below:
Check out this article about one Vet’s way of providing the needed care for your pet, helping ease the financial strain on the pet owner, and not going broke in the process.
In conclusion
I would like to say that people that go into animal medicine are in a class by themselves. If they charge more for their services, they typically provide a higher level of service. In this article, a pet owner compares her retired Vet with the newer, higher priced Vet. You may be surprised with the outcome.
Lets face it. If you have a pet you need to spend money at some point. If you are financially able the best thing is budget in a set amount of money every month to set aside for pet emergencies. Build a good relationship with one Vet. Don’t skimp on the basics. When you have a big bill your Vet may be able to work out a payment agreement if you are a good customer.
Always remember an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. — Unknown
Emergency Services are available 24/7 in many locations now. However, the price tag is hefty. These services are useful in urgent & emergencies situations. You should keep a sharp eye on your pet so you can address matters with your vet before the situation gets out of hand. It is always best to go to your vet, whom already knows you and your pet. No more I can’t afford Vet care. Plan ahead and you can afford Vet care

This is Why We Do It All 🙂
~ Karen ~
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